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Join the Most Recommended Ayurveda Course

Australian Government Recognised Diploma (HLT52615) in Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation, Certified and Trusted!

Admission open for March 2025

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Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation - HLT52615

Australasian Institute of Ayurvedic Studies (AIAS)

This Australian Government Recognised Diploma in Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation HLT52615 can enable you to set up your own Ayurvedic Business in just 18 months.

The purpose of this training program is to provide skilled Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultants to the Complementary Health Sector through a Nationally (Government) recognized qualification.
The HLT52615 Diploma Ayurveda is a Vocational Education and Training Qualification designed to provide knowledge and skills for the workplace. Students enrolled in the Diploma in Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation (HLT52615) receive authentic training in Ayurveda to develop the skills to assess their own clients and determine both the Prakruti and Vikruti of the client as well as being able to provide effective ayurvedic treatment. The course is suitable for both existing health professionals (for example naturopaths, medical doctors, nurses, dentists, and herbalists) and complete newcomers to the health sciences.

Benefits of this course


You will study a program designed, guided and assessed by an accredited Ayurvedic Physician, (Dr S. Ajit), who has worked for the Government of India for 20 years and practiced clinical Ayurveda for 35 years.

Opportunity For All

The Institute welcomes students of all ages and backgrounds. All students have the opportunity to be brought up to ‘par‘ regardless of their background or lack of experience in health Sciences.

Better Learning

You will learn how to apply the principles to your own life with the opportunity to improve and transform your own personal life and then be able to share the practice with your clients

Get Certified

You will receive mentorship from Dr. Ajit (BAMS, PCAS) who has been a powerful force in guiding the development of Ayurveda in Australasia.

Few Testimonials

Why choose the Australasian Institute of Ayurvedic Studies (AIAS)?

A.I.A.S is a Registered Training Organisation (R.T.O #31464), providing Government recognised qualifications in Ayurveda. You will study a program designed, guided and assessed by an accredited Ayurvedic Physician, Professor, Vaidya Ajit (B.A.M.S, P.C.A.S) senior Ayurvedic Clinical Practitioner in Australasia, who has worked for the Government of India for 20 years and practiced Ayurveda for over 40 years.

Why Choose us

The institute was founded in 1999 and is proud to be the only training institute in Australasia offering recognised Ayurvedic qualifications in both Australia and New Zealand.

You will receive mentorship from Professor, Vaidya Ajit (B.A.M.S, P.C.A.S) who has been a powerful force in guiding the development of Ayurveda in Australasia.

Graduates receive a nationally recognised qualification under the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), National Health Training package. Endorsed by the International Council of Ayurvedic Medicine (ICAM).

Australasian Institute of Ayurvedic Studies - The Centre Of Ayurveda


The AIAS offers two, Nationally Recognised Qualifications in Ayurveda:

  • HLT52615: Diploma in Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation
  • HLT62615: Advanced Diploma in Ayurveda

Yes. The AIAS is an RTO, registered to provide nationally recognized qualifications in Ayurveda under the Australian Qualifications Training Framework, AQTF). Your Ayurveda qualification is recognised throughout Australia.

  • People come to Ayurveda seeking insights into health, a meaningful career, and a new direction in their lives.
  • Job Opportunities: Ayurveda is a growth industry at present in Australia with demand for practitioners exceeding supply.
  • Many mature aged students comment that this is ’their time now’, time to engage in a personally fulfilling and rewarding path that coincides as a vocation
  • Complementary health practitioners enrol to extend the range of diagnostic tools and skills and the range and effectiveness of therapeutic treatments they offer in their existing practice. In the pursuit of an all-encompassing system of holistic medicine, Ayurveda is the standout choice.
  • People from all backgrounds, ages and cultures are drawn to Ayurveda.
  • Medical Practitioners; Dieticians, Naturopaths, Herbalists, Massage Practitioners, Chiropractors. Physiotherapists, and Yoga Teachers;
  • People looking for a career change and a meaningful vocation;
  • School leavers interested in alternative medicine and the holistic nature of Ayurveda and wishing to take advantage of this growth sector in Natural medicine;
  • Anyone interested in Ayurveda, health and complementary health care and medicine.

You will learn everything required to work in the field of Ayurveda in Australia. The Ayurveda ‘Specialization Units’ of study (specific to the subjects of Ayurveda) will provide you with all the diagnostic skills, treatment protocols and expertise to deliver Ayurvedic Consultations, Lifestyle Coaching and Ayurvedic healing therapies, with confidence. The ‘Common Unit’ competencies will provide you with the necessary requirements and abilities to conduct your own Ayurveda Centre, with clinic management skills, management of infection control, how to make referrals and comply with Workplace Health and Safety regulations in Australia.
It would be an exhaustive exercise to spell out each, and every, article of study. A.I.A.S is fortunate to have Dr Ajit B.A.M.S to guide the students through the necessary subjects and to the necessary depth of study. What’s more, Dr Ajit’s extensive clinical experience in the west places him as a leading figure in Ayurveda education both in terms of knowing what needs to be taught and understanding how to translate Ayurveda for western students. Further, Dr Ajit will clearly identify the areas of Ayurveda that will serve our community in the best possible way.
To illustrate to some extent the depth of studies, the course involves:

  • Applied Philosophy of Ayurveda: An investigation of Ayurveda’s origin and its philosophies, introducing an understanding of the role of the body, mind, and soul in achieving perfect balance; and an understanding of the ancient principles that awaken cellular intelligence.
  • Ayurvedic Anatomy and Physiology: An extensive study covering detailed knowledge of how the Tridosha (or Vata, Pitta and Kapha) work in our body; the assessment of Prakruti, understanding of the body structure and the nature of Prakruti and Vikriti (imbalance), the functioning, and metabolism activities of the Srotas (13 channels) and their role in health and disease.
  • Ayurvedic Herbology/ Materia Medica: Ayurvedic Herbology will provide a deep knowledge of healing substances and the skills necessary for selecting and preparing herb based therapeutic formulations. This module provides a greater understanding of Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals (Bhaishajya Kalpan), the preparation and use of appropriate herbs in the right way, at the right time, using the right ‘Anupana’ (herbal vehicles).
  • Ayurvedic Clinical Diagnosis: Theory and practice – Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis), Tongue Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Iridology.
  • Ayurvedic Nutrition, Ayurvedic Cooking: In depth study into the energetic principles that provide understanding of how food affects body and mind, experiential workshops and authentic Ayurvedic meal preparation.
  • Ayurvedic Massage and related Therapies: ‘Shirodhara’, and ‘Kati Basti’ (a unique Ayurvedic treatment for musculo-skeletal issues), and Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage, and Marma point therapy are skills that you will learn in the Ayurveda Diploma. In the Advanced Diploma Ayurveda, additional skills are provided in the areas of ‘Udwartanam’, ‘Navar Kizzi’ massage, ‘Bashpa Swedana’, ‘Netra Basti’, ‘Marma Point’, ‘Nasya Karma’, ‘Karna Purna’ and ‘Nadi Swedana’, ‘Uro’ and ‘Janu’ Basti therapies.
  • Women & Child Care: providing skills in applying Ayurvedic programs for conscious conception, women’s and maternal health, improved parenting, and infant and childcare.
  • Ayurvedic Psychology and Spirituality: includes the evaluation of case histories to determine counselling needs with emphasis also on the personal psychological development of the Ayurvedic Practitioner to develop professional detachment (to enable the Practitioner to work effectively in situations of high emotional charge).
  • Authentic Ayurvedic Clinical Pathology: This a particular feature of the Advanced Diploma Ayurveda involving an extensive and unique presentation developed by Dr. Ajit, covering numerous common dis-orders according to Traditional Ayurvedic texts. This study provides knowledge of how to identify the correct herbs and strategies for each ailment and to structure the formulations for each client.
  • Clinical Case work – extensive work on taking and documenting case studies with regular summations by Dr Ajit is covered in both the Diploma and Advanced Diploma levels of study.

The principles of Ayurveda are based on laws within Nature and are quite logical. If you commit yourself to the study and apply what you learn to your own life, you can become a successful representative of Ayurveda.
“Siddha” is a term in the Sanskrit language applying to one who has reached a level of ‘attainment’. Ayurveda study requires

  • Sincerity,
  • Integrity,
  • Dedication,
  • Devotion,
  • Honour and
  • Altruism (concern for the welfare of others).

If you can apply passion and energy towards the above qualities in yourself, you can succeed and attain everything you require in Ayurveda.

Students of Ayurveda outside of India must seek out qualified and clinically experienced B.A.M.S ‘Ayurveda Acharyas’ to learn and understand the correct knowledge, skills and applications of Ayurveda.
You will need a teacher who can convey Ayurveda in a clear and comprehensive fashion. Studying Ayurveda is in many ways, unlike studying any other subject. You will require a course where you have the time to imbibe and live the subject, to really experience it. That is, a student of Ayurveda needs to apply the subject in their own life. Then – and only then, can it be conveyed to others with integrity and confidence.
When researching course options, aim to get clear answers these questions
• Is the course provider a Recognised Training Organisation (R.T.O) in Australia?
• Will you receive authentic In-depth training in the theory and assessment methods of Ayurveda including Ayurveda pulse diagnosis and therapies, Material Medica and authentic Ayurvedic pathology, clinical case studies etc?

  • Is the course content based upon Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) Guidelines, reflecting a true and genuine Ayurvedic Study Program?
  • Who will teach and supervise the Ayurveda course? What are their academic qualifications and clinical experience? (How many decades clinical experience in Ayurveda do they have?) Do they possess the Ayurveda B.A.M.S degree recognized by the Central Council of Indian Medicine? (or, are you learning from new graduates in Ayurveda who are not much further along in their journey than yourself?)
  • Would your lecturer’s background stand up to scrutiny in India amongst other senior Ayurveda B.A.M.S doctors?
  • Is the study program being regularly assessed to achieve set outcomes and standards through assignments, test examinations, tutor observation, supervised clinical practice and practical applications?
  • Has the course been carefully and thoughtfully designed to provide flexible training utilizing both online and face to face course delivery that can be undertaken even while working full time?
  • Is the course recognised by an authentic Ayurveda professional Industry Association?
  • What are the total course fees? Are there additional expenses?

The Institute strongly encourages all prospective students to look into the professional background, qualifications and clinical experience of their teachers before choosing a course. The AIAS can confidently to announce that it meets all of these requirements. Our courses and tutors/practitioners have been scrutinised by ICAM, and ASQA (Australia).
This is your assurance of training excellence.

Webinars provide a learning experience online, which are effective and convenient and have become very popular in adult learning since the beginning of the ‘Covid period’. The AIAS being a progressive learning Institute, has well over a decade of experience providing this type of learning format, uniquely for Ayurveda. Using the internet, webinars create a virtual classroom on your computer. Even though you are in your own home, you still enjoy the benefits of interactions with your teacher and fellow students in real time. You can:

  • See your teacher as you would in the classroom
  • Ask questions as you would in class
  • Take part in classroom discussions
  • See questions from other students and listen to the answers

Yes, they are a compulsory and invaluable component of your studies. Your webinar attendance will be counted as a part of your class attendance. The weekly, live Ayurveda Webinar also provides you a regular opportunity to ask any questions related to your study.

Webinars are not recorded. If you miss a session, you can contact your classmates and ask for their notes or follow the comprehensive notes provided to you for the class. You can email any questions to your teacher, who will respond with an answer. Your attendance record will be affected. There is a requirement for a minimum 80% attendance at the weekly webinars.

Our program coordinator will contact you over the phone within 24 hours of receiving this application form.

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